A downloadable game

"Finding True Love" is a text adventure with sounds and music written by Frank Fridd (c)2009-2011 and made with T.A.B.

The TAB (Thinbasic Adventure Builder is a *FREE* interactive fiction/text adventure maker for Windows XP and above platform. (32/64bit)

This is the final part of an adventure trilogy by Frank Fridd (c) 2009-11 

Since rescuing Zeus in 'Where is Zeus?' (1996) and getting rid of his unfortunate gift in 'The Unwanted Gift' (2000) you have become rich and powerful...
There is just one thing left to make your life complete - a wife to share it with!

Direct Download Link:

http://tab.thinbasic.com/Finding True Love.zip

"Finding True Love" is a downloadable offline, parser-based interactive text adventure.

*Special Note: It's possible that some virus checkers may produce a "false-positive" warning. You may need to tell your antivirus program to create an 'exception' for the game app in order to allow the program to run*

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